مدیر واحد
These include the budget creator (typically a line-of-business executive), the budget release monitor (typically a controller or other financial executive), the use-case sponsor (typically a department manager, to whom the use-case users report), and a specialist team that will actually take title to the purchase and support its use (typically the IT department in the industries we consult to), not to mention the ever-present purchasing department riding herd on the terms and conditions of the deal, especially price.
That budget is coming out of the line-of-business executive's P&L and is being spent by the department manager who owns the problem process.
The line-of-business executive is under pressure to fix this and, most important, has resources already committed to addressing the problem-just in a very inefficient way.
pass that hurdle, then with the line-of-business executive (or vice versa-either path works).
The first is to help you focus your whole-offer efforts precisely on the target customer's compelling reason to buy, and the second is to leverage his or her prior business relationships to connect you to the line-of-business executives for budget and project sponsorship.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران